Creepy crawlies love being inside your home for the same reasons you do – it’s warm, dry, and has food and water. The tiniest gaps around doors and windows might as well have a giant “Welcome” sign for bugs on them. Ants, gnats, cockroaches, earwigs, firebrats, flies, centipedes and spiders are some of the most common home invaders. But before you pack your bags at the first site of a cockroach, try our tips to naturally get rid of bugs in your house, and of course call us to get rid of them for good!
- Disrupt the ants marching: Ants always follow a leader and they rely on scent to follow the trail. Dish soap destroys the pheromone and upsets the creepy parade. Apply some soapy water under door frames that lead to outside.
- Repel with peppermint: Peppermint is a natural repellent for many insects and rodents. Dilute 10 drops of essential oil with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution around windows, door frames, and baseboards. *It’s important to note that peppermint can be extremely toxic for pets, especially cats. So, skip this one if you have fur babies.*
- Deter certain pests with sour smells: Some pests have a sweet tooth and are naturally deterred by sour and bitter smells. Use a bit of lemon juice at your home’s entry points, or mix with water and use it as a cleaning agent in these areas. Similarly, black or cayenne pepper will also have the same effect.
- Don’t offer pests a buffet: Just because bugs will enter any home, dirty or clean, doesn’t mean you have to put out a spread once they’re inside. Crumbs on countertops and floors look like a smorgasbord for bugs. Vacuum and sweep often to remove the temptation. Also take steps to remove clutter, especially in cool, dark places as it provides an ideal spot for bugs to make a home.
- Seal all cracks and openings: Inspect your screens, windows and doors for holes and cracks. Repair your screens and use caulk to fill in gaps and holes. You can also apply weather stripping around your doors, which will not only keep out drafts, but pesky bugs as well.
- Mix up a natural bug spray: The combination of white vinegar and water is a great natural bug spray. Not only will it kill bugs on the spot and work to repel the others, but it’s an all-natural cleaning solution for countertops and floors.
Call in the Pros to Get Rid of Pests for Good!
Learning how to get rid of bugs in the home naturally is a great temporary solution. Take away their shelter, food, and water and they’ll quickly find someone else to bother.
At 24 Hour On Call Pest Control, our team of expert technicians will work with you to create a plan to eliminate your pests. If you find that you are having a problem with insects, termites, or other pests and need an exterminator, call 24 Hour On Call Pest Control at
(855) 420-8572 to schedule a professional evaluation. We can help you get rid of these invaders in your home or office! Contact us today to learn more.