Your dryer comes with an owner’s manual,and you should read it. While we can give general advice that works for mostdryers, the truth is that every machine is different. Follow the specificadvice for your machine over any other advice you are given.
Many people sort their laundry by color.This makes sense to prevent a redshirt from turning your whites pink, buttoday’s clothing is very often color-safe. If that is the case, then you shouldbe sorting based on weight. This is because lightweight fabrics dry much fasterthan heavy fabrics.
You should clean the lint out of your dryerafter every single load. If not, lint can build up and become trapped withinthe cracks and crevices of your dryer. Even small amounts of lint can build upas time goes on and can make your dryer less efficient. Poorly sealed doors canalso lead to mold growth and longer drying times.
You do not need high heat for every load ofclothing. Each load needs a different amount of time-based on the amount ofclothing within it and what is in it. If you’re not in a hurry, lower thetemperature and set it to a 40-minute cycle. If that’s not done, then you can putit back in for another ten minutes.
If it’s a nice day and you have lightclothing, consider letting it air dry. Not only does this help lower wear andtear on your dryer, but it reduces energy use, and it can help prolong thelifespan of your dryer. You don’t have to do it every time for it to make adifference.
If you are in need of dryer repair or maintenance, we welcome your call to Authorized Appliance Repair at (855) 420-8572 . Let us know how wecan help, and we can get you set up for an appointment.